My first book, published October 29, 2019 (Viking Books), explores how our world was overtaken by financial maximization, and charts a new path for defining our self-interest
A wider view of our self-interest. Now Me, Future Me. Now Us, Future Us. A model for a deeper form of living. BEyond Near Term Orientation: Bentoism.
Since 2017, the Ideaspace has been my outlet for exploring creative forms and sharing ideas. This release shares audio of four of my favorite interviews — with artist Hank Willis Thomas, economist Marianna Mazucato, and authors John Higgs and Eric Wargo — in a free .zip download.
A trilogy of essays published from 2019 through 2021 that explores why I and others feel less comfortable showing our true selves online. Reissued here with the original piece, two follow-up essays, and a podcast conversation with The Stoa exploring the concept.